Standards Based Report Cards are a way to create custom report cards in Classroom. Before this process can be performed you will need to complete your Valid Standards Grade Setup. Click here for instructions on how to set up Valid Standards Grades in Classroom.
Where to Start
To access to PADS portal click Portals, then PADS.
In the PADS portal page click Setup then, Standards Based PADS.
Click Setup Marking Period Properties.
Select the marking period that you would like to open up PADS for and then set the password.
Set Marking Period start and end dates and PADS start and end dates.
Marking Period Dates - the date the grading period started and ended. Attendance will be calculated using these dates.
PADS Start Dates - the dates you would like to open the portal for teachers to enter grades.
Click the checkbox of the standards that you would like to appear on the report card printout.
Be sure to select the folder that contains the report card standards that are linked to classes.
Previous standards that you may have used will be present here. To remove a standard click the red X.
If your school has a report card legend you can enter it in the RPCD Legend section. Once complete click Submit.
Return to Step 2. To do this click Setup then Standards Based PADS.
Click Setup Valid Standard Grades.
Click the SBG Template Setting drop list. You will be able to Allow templates as defined by each course or Use one template for every course.
Allow templates as defined by each course - select this option if each class uses a different grading template. The templates assigned in the Classroom Valid Standard Grades template will be used in PADS.
Use one template for every course - All courses will use the select template for PADS grading.
If you select the Use one template for every course option, click the Grading Template drop list to select the grading template that you would like to use. Then choose the output formula by selecting one of the options from that drop list.
Finally, click Save Changes to apply the setting.
The final step is to send invitation email. To return to the list of steps click Setup, then Standards Based PADS.
Now that PADS is setup you have the option of clicking Invitation Emails to send teachers an email letting them know that PADS is open and for how long.