In this article you will learn how to define push notifications for Pupilpath for Grades and Attendance.
Where to Start
In the navigation menu on the left, go to settings and click Grade Outputs.
Select A Course - At the top of the page you will see a drop down menu that allows you to select the course that you want to make changes to. If you are an Administrator, the drop down menu will list all courses in the school.
Assignment Grade Display - Here you can choose how you would like the grade book average to appear on PupilPath.
Average Display - Here you can choose from the drop down menu to display a raw percentage average or a range of 5-10%.
Default Marking Period - Here you can set the default marking period. This will control which marking period appears as the default in PupilPath. This should be adjusted at the beginning of each marking period.
Define Color Ranges and Icons - Here you can adjust the percentage for each grading icon. These icons will appear next to the average in the grade book and on Pupilpath.
Push Notification Rules - Here you have the option to disable push notifications for grades and attendance in Pupilpath.
Lock Changes - Administrators can lock changes. Locking changes will prevent non administrators from making changes.
After making your selections, you must click the Save To button in the top right corner of the page. This page also displays the last time the page was edited with the username, date, and time.
Once you click save, you will be given the option to bulk save your selections to multiple classes. You can select a class by checking off the box next to the class code. If you are an administrator, you will see all classes in the school. If you are a teacher, you will only see the classes that you are assigned to. After selecting the classes, click Apply Changes.