Once students are registered for PupilPath, they must configure their email settings. Student email settings can be changed at any time on the PupilPath website.
The parent email address can not be used for student accounts. The parent and student email addresses must be unique.
Where to Start
If the student account is already registered, login and go to settings by clicking Account. Then click Define Email Address.
There are four different email options to select:
Register using your school email - use this option if the school requires student to use the schools domain email accounts for PupilPath.
Register with a personal email address - use this option to linked a personal email account. If you select this option and link a Gmail account the Google Drive will not be linked.
Register without providing an email address - an email address is not required for student accounts. Select this option to bypass linking an email address.
Sign in with Google - Authorizes Gmail account to be used with PupilPath.