In this lesson, you will review how to see a breakdown of your student course data in Classroom.
Where to Start

Course Performance under the students tab displays data that breaks down students course work and attendance by each course.

Begin by selecting, or clicking on, the course you wish to breakdown from the list provided at the top.
As you can see below, the chart displays course code, title, teacher, and marking period average.
*In this example we have selected Spanish Term 2

The first graph displays where the students average stands for the selected Marking Period.

The Bar Graph breaks down the Course Data by assignment category and is color coded by grade standing. Hover your mouse over any of the bars to see the grade.

The Grades in the all Categories pie graph combines the above data to show the students scores in all created assignments

The Attendance pie graph displays all attendance data for the current term in that course

The Grade Breakdown tab displays all of the assignments under the Homework category, Class Participation data, and Notebook Exams Quizzes Projects data.
*To view detailed info on any of the above categories click on the magnifying glass where available

Under each category the Grade data is displayed three ways. The first Grade column displays the grade entered by the teacher, the second column is the percentage worth, and the third is the point value (earned/possible)

Category Breakdown is the combination of all the assignment grades in each category and its worth in the Marking Period average.
*You can change the percentage value under the Course Settings tab, Course Categories Scree