In addition to all gradebook and assignment detail available to parents and students on PupilPath in real time, printed reports are also available in Classroom’s Report Generator. Following is a summary of the data available in each of our reports. A detailed description and sample of each report is below.
Summary of Progress Reports
This report shows all assignments, graded and ungraded for a single course. Ungraded assignments are listed first, then graded assignments by category, followed by the category breakdown and overall average.
Using the options shown above, users can add leading text or remove data points from the report.
Sample report:
The Progress Report displays a snapshot of the overall gradebook average for each course, as well as the category averages and attendance data for each course.
Users have the option to remove data points using the settings shown above.
Sample report:
The Progress Report displays a snapshot of the overall gradebook average for each course, as well as the category averages for each course. Users have the option to display or remove Course Average and Course Breakdown.
Sample report:
The MP Breakdown report displays the overall gradebook average for all courses for a single, or multiple marking periods. Users can select which marking periods they'd like to appear on the report.
Sample report:
The Standards Based Progress Report imports grades from the Classroom Standards Based Gradebook. All standards linked to the course will be displayed.
Note: This report requires Administrative setup including Standards Tree setup, Course Standards setup and Standards Based PADS setup.
Users can choose which averaging routing will be used for standards averages, subject area print order and add a footnote. Users should choose Classroom Attendance since ATS has removed current year attendance from the RESI report.
Sample report:
Users can choose to print or email letters to registered parents and/or students. The letters can also be translated into the student’s home language. The letter generator is extremely flexible and allows users to enter variables directly from report cards, attendance or teacher gradebooks. Letters can be saved for later use.
Sample report: