In this lesson, you will review how to attach supplemental files to assignments in Classroom. On the Edit Assignment page, you will be able to add supplemental files and required submissions for your assignment.
Where to Start
Supplemental Files are files attached to the assignment, which students can review without needing to resubmit to the teacher. Required Submissions are files attached to the assignment, which students can review and edit and submit to teachers via PupilPath.
1. Click Assignments, then Show Assignments.
Select Your Assignment
2. Click the wrench icon for the assignment you wish to edit.
3. On the Edit Assignment page, you will be able to add supplemental files and required submissions for your assignment. You will also be able to have students submit miscellaneous files for the assignment.
Note: Before you select the file you want, please make sure whether you want to attach the file as Supplemental Materials or Required Submissions.
Select File Options
Classroom File
When you select to upload from Classroom files, a pop-up will show with your available options from the Classroom File Manager.
You can either check off an existing file's tick box or upload a new file.
Note: If you are uploading a new file, please remember to follow all these steps before selecting the file. (Click upload and then choose your file from the pop-up. But make sure to then select the section you wish to upload it to from the drop-down and click "Upload" from the main pop-up.)
Once you are done, please select the Attach Selected Files button.
Google File
When you select to upload from Google files, the pop-up will bring up a miniature Google Drive window. In this window, you can select, search or upload a new file.
To select a single file, simply click on the file and then press the Select button.
To select multiple files, click each file while holding the CTRL button on your keyboard before pressing the Select button.
To upload files, click the upload link at the top of the window and then either drag the files onto the pop-up upload section or select the files from your computer and click the Upload button.
New Google File
When you select a New Google File, there will be a small pop-up which gives you the option to create a new Google Document, Spreadsheet, or Presentation.
Select the file you wish to create and edit the document as you see fit. When done make sure the document saves.
After Google Drive confirms that the file was saved, close the pop-up window and it will be linked to the assignment.
Save Changes
When you are done editing and adding supplemental files to the assignment, scroll down and click on Save Changes.
Next Steps
To see all of the other features available in Classroom, see the lessons in the chapter IO Classroom, Classroom Teacher.