In this lesson, you will review how to view anecdotals in Skedula.
Where to Start

1. Click Student, then Anecdotal Logs.
Search for Anecdotals

2. The Anecdotal Log Search can be filtered by Type, Grade Level, Employee, Student and for a set date range. You can also choose to view the List by Students in Anecdotals, by User or a List of Students.
3. When the filters have been selected click Search.

4. Anecdotals will be displayed based on the Return As option selected. Along with the Anecdotal, Badges are also displayed along with merits, demerits and resolves.

5. To view the actual Acecdotal click the Badge icon.
Anecdotal Logs from the Student Portfolio

1. Click Student, then Portfolio.
2. Click Anecdotal Logs.