In this lesson, you will review how to create anecdotals in Classroom. Anecdotal logs can be created for individual students or student groups in the categories set by your school.
Where to Start
To access anecdotals, you have two options:
1. Click Student, then Anecdotal Logs.
2. Click the New Anecdotal icon at the top of the site.
Add Anecdotal Details

1. Enter in the information surrounding the anecdotal. Select a category and add individual students or select a student group.

2. Select a date and time then enter in the location.
3. The Description field will be visible to everyone with whom the Anecdotal is shared, so take this into consideration before using student names or other personal information in this field (especially if it will be shared with multiple parents or students).

4. If you would like to share with staff, parents or students click the individual checkboxes. If you would like to create a private anecdotal check Confidential.
5. When you have entered in all information click Save.