In this article, you will learn how to add, edit, or remove user accounts in Classroom. In order to change a user's access, you must be a Classroom Administrator.
Where to Start
Under the Administration tab, click User Accounts.
Add a New User
Click the Add a New User button in the top right corner of the page.
The Basic Information page allows you to edit the information of a new or existing user:
- The Email field is the email address that the user will use to sign into Classroom.
- The Title, First Name, and Last Name fields provide identifying information regarding the user.
- The Alt Email field is for users who would like Classroom emails sent to a second address. Please note that this address CANNOT be used to sign into Skedula. Most teachers will sign in with their address. Alt email is used as a secondary account only for notification purposes.
- The Job Title field describes the user's position.
- The Type of account limits various functions like access to the Administration tab and is also used for grouping features in which you can sort users by "Type"
Edit User Rights
- To grant User Rights, check off the box next to each permission.
- Once permissions have been set, click the Save Changes button.
The Filter option allows you to see which users have a specific permission assigned. You can also filter by Job Title to see the full list of permissions assigned to a specific group of users.