Teachers can use PADS settings and rules to automate the process of entering and finalizing report card marks in Classroom.
Defining the Average Column
To define PADS columns click the “Settings” tab in the top right hand corner
You may define how the average column is created. By default it will import the Marking Period grade coming directly from your Classroom gradebook as you can see below.
We also provide the option to average in the STARS Report Card Score from another marking period. This may be useful to a user who has not used the Classroom Gradebook. You can also select multiple multiple marking periods to calculate the overall average.
You may also be interested in adding particular columns from to your PADS grid to assist you in entering your Marking Period scores.
One example would be the addition of the Marking Period % Present column. Once all the settings have been selected click Save.
The added columns will appear to the left of the PADS grading grid.
PADS Rules Setup
Rules can be used to enter multiple values on any column of the PADS grid page. To define rules go to the top right hand corner of the PADS grid screen and click the “Rules” tab.
You can use rules to push your Classroom average into the mark column as well as the comment field. To select the select a rule to apply click the check box. Once finished click Save Rule.
Commonly Used PADS Rules
If you have been using the Classroom gradebook throughout the marking period you may want to approve ALL marks in a course in one shot.
All grades will be rounded up or down to the nearest valid mark.
You may also want to give all students with a certain grade a particular comment. For example, let’s say I want to give every student with a grade higher than 85 a comment of Excellent progress made in this subject.
This rule translates to: Find a student with a MP3 % Present that is less than 50% and give these students a comment in Comment2 of 1002 which translates to: Excessively absent (more than 2 days/month)
This rule translates to: Find a student with a Marking Period 1 Homework Average less than 65% and give these students a comment in Comment3 of 1066 which translates to: Does not complete homework assignments.