In this lesson, you will review how to set a"Grading Template" for standards when grading assignments. These standards may represent Common Core State Standards, New York State Standards, or unique standards created by the school for example, elementary report card subcategories.
By default, Classroom is designed to accept all undefined numeric grades such as, 0, 100, or 1000, to name a few. This feature permits the user the option to enter grades/marks such as "4" (level 4) or "MISS" (missing).
Where to Start

To set Valid StandardGrades click on the Course Settings tab then go to Valid Standard Grades.

Start by "Select A Course"and selecting a "Grading Template" from the options provided. Once selected, you can create your own valid standardgrades template or modify one of the templates provided.

Click "Create New Template "or" Edit Template" to begin defining grades. At the "Create New Grading Template" screen, enter the name of the template and check if you want the template to be shared with other users. To edit a mark/ grade, click on the pencil to the left of the mark.

To add or edit a new mark, the following must be defined:
Mark- can be numeric or alphabetic and can contain symbols like + or -
Comment(optional) - enter a comment that will be displayed whenever the grade is used
Description(optional) - enter a description of the grade
Conversion- enter a conversion value to be used in grade averaging. If a conversion is not entered, the grade will not be averaged in the gradebook.
Min Value- enter a minimum grade (used in standards based grading only)
Proficient- choose if the grade shows student proficiency or not
Grade Type- choose if this is to be used a "Grade" and will be averaged or if the mark is "Special" and will not be averaged

- Once completed, save the mark/ grade to the template and Apply Changes
- Locate your modified template from the list
- Once the grading template is selected, choose an "Outcome Formula"to calculate standard grades.

Save to the selected course(s) and apply changes.