In this lesson, you will review how to drop the lowest grades in Classroom.
Where to Start
Some teachers like to drop the lowest grade students receive in a certain grading category or multiple grading categories.
For example, this student has three grades in the Test category. The category average with the three test grades is (0+ 80+ 100)/3 = 180/3 = 60.
If the lowest grade is dropped in the Test category, the category average is a (80+100)/2 = 180/2 = 90.
Click Settings on the left hand side of Classroom and then click Course Categories.
Find the Marking Period you would like to drop the lowest grade from. (Note: If you do not see the correct number of marking periods, see the guide Settings: Setting your Course Grading Policy for instructions to set up your grading policy.)
Check the box underneath the Drop Lowest Grade column next to the categories you would like Classroom to automatically drop the lowest grade in. You can do this in multiple categories.
Note: If there is only one grade in a category marked Drop Lowest Grade, the grade will still be dropped from students marking period averages.
Viewing Dropped Grades
You can determine which assignment was dropped for each student by viewing their grade breakdown.
You can reach this by clicking on a students name from the Gradebook. The dropped grade will say Lowest MP# Grade Not Averaged.