In this lesson, you will review how to run the Cutting Report to compare the schools official daily attendance that has been uploaded into Classroom with the course attendance taken by teachers. The cutting report will work with course attendance uploaded by ATS or taken in Classroom (Skedula).
Where to Start

Click Attendance on the left hand side of Classroom and then click Cutting Report.

Select a start and end date to run the report. Only a window of 14 days can be selected at a time.
Note: To ensure your schools official daily attendance has been uploaded into Classroom, run a daily attendance report first.
If the attendance has not been uploaded, please contact your Classroom administrator to run an Attendance Sync. If you are a Classroom administrator, run an Auto Sync with the Data Extractor if the days missing are from the past 4 school days. If the days missing were prior to that, run an Attendance Sync.

Choose the Daily Attendance marker you would like to filter for during the chosen date range. If you choose Present, it will bring up all students marked Present for each of the days in the date range that follow all the other filtering criteria you select.
To search for possible cuts, choose Present in the dropdown menu underneath Daily Attendance.
The Course Attendance Search can be used to filter for Absent, Late, and Excused daily school attendance as well.

Enter in a number underneath Course Present, Course Absent, Course Late and Course Excused.
This will bring up all students with the Daily Attendance marker selected and greater than or equal to the number of classes entered for each attendance marker (Course Present, Course Absent, Course Late, Course Excused.)
If you do not want to filter for a certain number of courses marked P, A, L or E, leave the box blank.
To search for possible cuts, type 1 underneath Course Absent and leave the other Course attendance marker spaces blank. This will bring up students that were Present in the schools official Daily Attendance, but were marked absent for one or more courses.
The Course Attendance Search can be used to filter for different numbers of Present, Absent, Late, and Excused marked courses as well.

If you would like to filter for a certain teacher, select the name in the drop down menu underneath Teacher.

If you would like to filter for a certain course, select the code in the drop down menu underneath Course.

If you would like to filter for a certain student, select the name in the drop down menu underneath Student.

If you would like to filter for a certain student group, select the group in the drop down menu underneath Student Group.

Click Search to apply filters and run the report.

The report will show the students that follow the filtering guidelines above for the date range selected. If more than one day is selected, each student will have a separate row for each of the days. Each row shows the students official school daily attendance mark and the number of courses the student was marked Present, Absent, Late and Excused for that day.

Click on the number in the Course column to see the exact courses a student was given that attendance marker that day, as well as all courses and dates given that attendance marker for the student. Click Close at the bottom right of the pop up screen to go back to the report.

To download the report as an Excel file, click the Download button on the bottom of the Course Attendance Search section.

To create anecdotals, select an option on the bottom of the report in the drop down menu next to With Selected. Select Students to create an anecdotal for all students listed on the report.
Select Absences to create an anecdotal for each student in the report per course absence. Select Latenesses to create an anecdotal for each student in the report per course lateness. Select Excused Absences to create an anecdotal for each student in the report per course excused absence.

Click Create Anecdotal to create a new anecdotal for the students selected in the previous step.