In this lesson, you will review how to view the School Attendance Report, which displays the attendance for each of the courses in your school.
Where to Start

1. Click Attendance, then School Attendance.

2. If you would like to filter for specific teachers courses, select a teacher from the drop down menu underneath Teacher.

3. If you would like to filter for a certain course code, select a course from the dropdown menu underneath Course Code.

4. Enter in a start and end date to select a date range for the report.

5. Click Search to apply your filters.
View Results

1. Once you are finished filtering, you will see a report with the number and percentage that students were Present, Absent, Late, or Excused for a course according to the teachers course attendance during the date range selected. This report is listed in alphanumeric order starting with Course Code and then Section.

2. Click on a course to see the number and percentage of days specific students were marked Present, Absent, Late, or Excused for that course.

3. If all students are not on the first page of the pop up screen, click Next to see the next page of students.

4. Click Close when you are finished to go back to the report and view another course.