In this lesson, you will review how to set up a seating chart in Classroom. Classroom allows teachers to rearrange student seats in the Take Attendance view, allowing teachers to take attendance more quickly.
Where to Start

1. Select the course you would like to setup a seating chart for on the top of Classroom.

Note: If you cannot see all your courses, hover your mouse over All Courses on the top right hand side. If you have too many courses in the drop down menu, see the guide Settings: Grouping Courses Together.

2. Click Attendance, then Take Attendance.

3. If you have not taken attendance for this course today, a window will pop-up to notify you. Click Close.
1. Under Management Mode, select Move Seats.
2. Add any rows or columns you would like to imitate your classroom setup by clicking Add Row or Add Column.
In this example, the class has 2 pods with 4 students and 1 pod with 5 students. Enough rows have been added to have space between each pod.
3. Pick up and drag students into the seating arrangement you would like.
Note: If you cannot see all the rows on the screen, you can use the left and right arrows to make rows visible.
4. Click Save All Seats when you are finished.

5. Click OK on the pop-up window that comes up to confirm.
Next Steps
To see all of the other features available in Classroom, see the lessons in the chapter IO Classroom, Classroom Teacher.