Classroom offers invitation letters to Students and Parents for PupilPath.
Where to Start

Click the Reporting tab and select Report Generator.
Create Invitation Letters

Under the Select a Report heading, find Pupilpath and choose the Pupilpath Invitation option. Then work through the following options to create your invitation letters:
- Output Option: Choose the format for the letter. Microsoft Word and Excel options are available.
- Sort By: How would you like to sort the letters? Choose alphabetically, by period, etc.
- Windowed Letters: If mailing using windowed envelopes, choose which side your window appears on.
- Internal Filter: Would you like to generate letters for all students or just those who haven't registered?
- Limit By: Select your student set. You may choose from the entire school, grade level, individual students, cohort, official class, department, my classes, course code, course section, primary teacher, flags, groups, and public groups.
When finished applying settings, click the Preview option to make sure the letter looks as it should. Click Submit to generate your letters.
Retrieve and Download Invitation Letters

After submitting your letters for generation, Classroom automatically redirects to the Retrieve Reports page. Your generated reports will appear here under the My Reports tab.
Click the Download option under the Status column to download your letters.
Note: reports may take several minutes to generate, depending on internet speed and the volume of reports requested.
Print Individual Invitation Letter

You may also print an individual PupilPath invitation letter through a student's portfolio under the Students tab.

In the Bio section of the portfolio, choose Pupilpath. Click the Print Invitation Letter link to generate a letter for this individual student.