Creating Courses for Elementary school is a two step process. The first step being the creation of student groups and the second step being the creation of the courses themselves.
The student groups are used to populate the courses with students, therefore it is required to create all the necessary groups before setting up the courses. The easiest way to do this is to create groups for all your ATS official classes as well as special groups that meet for other courses such as ELL Courses or Special Needs Courses.
If you need to transfer previous year's groups, please Click Here.
Note: If your previous year's groups were made by student selection or by pasting entries, you will need to update your groups.
If you do not need to create new courses and wish to import last years courses to the new term, please Click Here.
Where to Start
To begin, click the Account tab and select Student Groups.
Create Student Groups
On the Student Groups page, click the Create New Group button.
On the Create New Group page, you can add students to your group using the Criteria drop-down menu or the Paste Entries option.
If adding students based on identifying criteria, use the Criteria drop-down menu. Available criteria includes: Students, Flags, Age, Official Class, Counselor, Cohort, Course Code, Course Section, Teacher, and Ethnicity.
For the purposes of creating your courses, we will only be focusing on the following sections: Students, Flags, Official Class.
- Students: allows you to manually select students for your group.
- Flags: if you are working on special groups, please select "Flags" from the Criteria selection box.
- Official Class: if you are working on ATS Official Class group, please select "Official Class" from the Criteria selection box.
If you already have a list of student ID numbers that you want to add to your Student Group, bypass the Criteria drop-down and use the Paste Entries option.
In the Paste Entries pop-up, copy and paste all your ID numbers into the textbox, making sure to have one ID number per line. Then simply click the Add to Group button.
If you added a student to the group by mistake, you can remove them by clicking the red x icon next to their name.
Once you've added all students, give your group a name using the Group Name textbox. You can also Save your group, Delete it entirely, or mark the group as Private here.
When a group is marked as private, only the creator can see or use the group. Public groups can be seen and used by all users, but cannot be edited by anyone except the group's creator.
Be sure to click the Save button when you've made all necessary changes to your group.
Create Courses
Click the Settings tab and choose Create Course.
On the Course Creation page, give your course a Title.
Make sure that your course name is unique so that it can be identified by all users as needed. Two good examples are "Math 101", which denotes the course and the ATS official class, and "English 2-301", which denotes the course and the in-house class code.
Fill out the remaining information about your course. Review the notes below for clarification on each field.
- Department: select the department from the Department selection box.
- Teacher Name: enter the Teacher Name in the corresponding textbox. Note: This textbox does not link the teacher to the class nor does it populate the name on the Classroom Report Card.
- Room (optional): enter the Room Number in the corresponding textbox.
- Days Meeting: select the days the class meets by checking the corresponding day's check box.
- Period: select the period which the class meets from the period selection box.
- Populate with students from group: select the group of students which must be linked to this class from the "Populate with students from group" selection box. This group should be one of the groups which you previously created. Note: Any group with more than 100 students will not be visible in this section.
- Primary Teacher User Account: select the teacher who will be entering grades for this course from the Primary Teacher User Account selection box. If multiple teachers will be entering grades for this course, please select the primary teacher as per D.O.E. regulation.
Once you've filled out all necessary information about your course, click the Create Course button to save your changes and create your course.