In this lesson, you will review how to grade through the seating chart in Classroom. If you do not have a seating chart set up, see the lesson Attendance: Seating Chart Setup.
Where to Start
Select the course you would like to grade an assignment for on the top of Classroom.
Note: If you cannot see all your courses, hover your mouse over All Courses on the top right-hand side.

If you have too many courses in the drop-down menu, see the guide Settings: Grouping Courses Together for more information on how to group your courses.

Click Attendance on your sidebar, then Take Attendance.

If you have not taken attendance for this course today, a window will pop-up to notify you. Click Close.
Select an Assignment

Under Management Mode, select Submit Grades.

Select the assignment you would like to grade.
Note: If you do not see any assignments, see the guide Assignments: Create Assignments to review how to create an assignment.
Choose a Student

1. Choose a student to grade.

2. You can grade the student by typing in the grade received. The +/- box is to add or subtract points from the total points given in the box to the left. This allows for teachers to see the points earned but still have record of points taken away for lateness or added for extra credit etc.

Note: The grade will automatically save. When it has completed saving, you will see Grade Saved As: in the box.

3. Teachers can also grade by grading icons if they have already set up the icons.

4. Teachers that use Standards-Based Grading can use the encircled buttons to push grades. When grades for the standards are given, the button on the left can be used to give the assignment a mark based on the standards. When a mark is given for the assignment, the button on the right can be used to grade the standards based on the mark for the assignment.
Note: If you cannot see the full standard listed, hover your mouse over the standard to see a box pop up with the full standard.

5. Use the red X to close out of the student's grade box.
Revert to a Previous Grade

You can click the green arrow to restore a student's grade to the previous grade ONLY if you have not left the Take Attendance: Submit Grades page.
Next Steps
To see all of the other features available in Classroom, see the lessons in the chapter IO Classroom, Classroom Teacher.