In this lesson, you will review how to use the Standards Gradebook. For users grading on standards, the Standards Gradebook is the best place for you to enter grades. If you grade on rubrics, levels, or any other grading system, it may be necessary for you to define and use special-defined marks or specific valid grades.
Where to Start
1. Click Grade, then Standards Gradebook.
2. To choose an assignment to grade, click on the Assignment tab on the upper-right-hand side of the Standard Gradebook.
Note: On the Standard Gradebook page, you are defaulted to your latest assignment, whose title can be seen just above the page's title. Therefore, it may be necessary to change the assignment which you wish to grade.
Select an Assignment
On the assignment selection page, you can view the title, marking period, max points, description, category, viewable date, due dates, and standards. You will also have the option to change or edit the assignment.
To change the assignment, expand the assignment drop-down and select the assignment you wish to grade.
Note: On this page, you can also choose to auto-push standards Grades from an Overall Mark, checking the box as seen above. Please note that this box must be checked before entering grades for the assignment.
Grading Options
After selecting the correct assignment, the Standard Gradebook page will take you back to the Grade tab for the new selected assignment. In the Standards gradebook, you will have multiple ways of grading:
- Manually entering both the overall mark and standards grades.
- Entering overall marks and grading standards off the overall mark.
- Entering Standards grades and grading the overall mark off the standards.
Option 1: Enter Overall Marks / Standard Grades
To grade manually, just enter your grades into the mark and standards columns for each student.
Option 2: Enter Overall Marks
To grade off the mark, simply enter your overall Mark manually and click on the first action button to calculate the standards grade off your conversions in your Valid Standard Grades template.
Option 3: Enter Standard Grades
To grade off the standard, simply enter your standards grades manually and click on the second action button to calculate the overall Mark off your conversions in your Valid Standard Grades template.
Additional Notes
- When entering the overall marks and standards grade within the cell, if the cell turns greens, the information is saved. If it turns red, this is an invalid grade. Please check your standards valid grade template to see valid grades you can use.
- If you double-click the student's overall mark it will bring up a pop-up box. In this box, you can change the grade, enter a comment, or enter a curve. Please make sure to save changes when you are done editing.
- In order to navigate from one class to another, at the top of the gradebook page, simply click on the course in the dashboard or select the course from the all courses drop-down box. The page will then refresh to that course's standard gradebook.
Next Steps
To see all of the other features available in Classroom, see the lessons in the chapter IO Classroom, Classroom Teacher.