In this lesson, you will review how to view the standard averages in your classes.
Where to Start
1. Click Grades, then Standard Averages.
2. Select the course code and marking period from the drop-down menu.
3. Also select the View from the drop-down menu and click Go. Changing "View" will allow the user the option to see how the standard averages are displayed based on the different algorithms.
View Your Data
Once the search criteria are selected, the user will see an average column (if selected as an option), a conversion of the grade, valid standards grade used for the course, and all the standards used in this course.
Valid Standard Grades will display the frequency of the grade across all standards.
Standards Averages Options
By Valid Standard Grade (Weights)
The user can assign weights to the valid standard grades by selecting Calculator and Valid Standard Grade (Weights).
By Standard Average
They can also calculate Standard Average by included or excluded standards. Once the calculations are selected click on Save To.