The Anecdotal Setup feature is used to create and edit Categories, Weights, Dates, Badges, Subscriptions, and Progress Report Categories. This function is accessed on the left side menu under the Administration tab.
Where to Start
Follow the steps below in sequence to setup your Anecdotals.
Progress Report
On the taskbar click Administration then Anecdotal Setup.
Add Category
Delete Category
To delete a category, click the red “X”.
Navigate to the Anecdotal Setup and click on the Weight tab on the far-right side of the page.
Assign Anecdotal Weights
Each Anecdotal Category can be assigned negative numbers (demerits) or positive numbers (merits) for each grade level. Each time a student receives an anecdotal for a particular category, they will receive a score based on the weight assigned to their grade level. All category weights a student receives can be totaled to produce a badge- if badges have been set up.
Once the numbers are entered click Save All Changes. To start fresh, click Clear All Weights.
This tab is used to define the anecdotal date range to be used in the badge calculation. Enter the Start and End dates and click on Save Changes.
This tab is used to define what type of badge a student will earn when the summed anecdotal score reaches some user-defined value.
This tab is used to define who will be emailed when an anecdotal is created. Subscriptions can be entered by Category or by Group. Click on Subscriptions to access this function. Subscriptions already entered will be displayed under Current User Subscriptions. For new subscriptions, enter the information required and then press Add Subscription.
Progress Reports
This tab is used to define the Progress Report pick list items that users can choose from when using the category Progress Report. Items already entered will be displayed. To add new items simply add the item and click Add New.