In this lesson, you will review how to use the Performance link under the Students tab. This displays various course performance data charts and details and enables the user to further assess a student's progress across all classes or one specific course.
Where to Start

Click Students on the sidebar. Then click Performance.
Performance Categories
Performance by Gradebook Averages

The Overall Gradebook Average bar graph has a black marker in it which displays the students overall GPA from all Classroom Gradebooks
The Gradebook Average by Class is an interactive chart and is split by the student's course names. It is broken down as each bar is selected (clicked on) within the graph.
Once a bar is selected, the data will break down into the grading categories that were set up for the course. In this example, English 8 has been selected.
*To navigate back to all course view simply click on the All classes link at the bottom left-hand corner of the graph
In the above example, English 8 has been set up into 5 grading categories: Homework, Participation, Projects, Classwork, and Exams.
If you click the Options tab on the Performance by Gradebook Average header you will be brought to another screen in which you can change the display options of the Performance page.
Define Ranges allows you to set grade percentages and displays each range by a different color.
- Red: Failing
- Yellow: Borderline
- Green: Passing
- Blue: Honors
Scroll the markers to increase or decrease any range. These changes are made effective for all charts.
To save your changes, click Apply Changes.
Performance by Standard
If Standards have been set up, then the Performance by Standard section will also have data that is displayed and broken down by Standards based on the selected course.
In our case, since we have selected English 8, the Standards shown in this graph will reflect the student's performance based on English Standards. Below you will see the breakdown for the course.

On the lower left-hand side of each graph you can see your graph path and use it to go back to a previous graph simply by clicking on the name.

All the Assignments created for the particular category will be displayed in detail. In the example above we have selected the Homework category.
Note: The Viewable date should be prior to the Due date.
If Standards have been set up, the details for that category will also appear in this section.

The Category Averages Across All Classes chart displays all Course Category averages for All Classes assigned. It is broken down by overall averages for all assignments in each category.
This graph can be used to identify which category of assignments a student lacks or succeeds in. If you hover your mouse over a particular bar within the graph further detail about that category is displayed. In our example below we see info about the Exams category.
Tip: Use the lower scroll bar and slide from left to right to view all categories.
Marking Periods

The Marking Period Averages graph displays a student's GPA across all Marking Periods from the Skedula Gradebook.
In this graph, just like the Categories graph, if you hover your mouse over a particular point you will be able to see the Marking Period and GPA in an upright view.