Teachers can now see a history of all grade changes made to a class, assignment or student. Users must be in the Modernized Gradebook View to use this feature.
Where to Start
To access the gradebook click Grade, then click Gradebook.
There are three different ways to view grading history.
Class Grading History
Click on the History button at the upper right above the gradebook.
A full timeline will open with every grade change made in the gradebook. Green indicates a new grade was entered, orange indicates a change was made to the grade and red indicates a grade was deleted.
Mousing over the text will display the information on who and when the grade was edited. If no user is shown, you edited the grade.
Assignment Grading History
You can view all grade changes made to an assignment by clicking in any gradebook cell for the assignment and clicking the clock icon in the tooltip above the assignment name.
A full timeline will open with every grade change made to that assignment. Green indicates a new grade was entered, orange indicates a change was made to the grade and red indicates a grade was deleted.
Mousing over the text will display the information on who and when the grade was edited. If no user is shown, you edited the grade.
Student Grade History
You can view all grade changes made to a student by clicking in any gradebook cell for the assignment and clicking the clock icon in the tooltip above the student’s name.
A full timeline will open with every grade change made to that assignment. Green indicates a new grade was entered, orange indicates a change was made to the grade and red indicates a grade was deleted.
Mousing over the text will display the information on who and when the grade was edited. If no user is shown, you edited the grade.