Assignments can be created in Classroom and linked to various different types of content. These are instructions detailing how to create a basic assignment.
Where to Start
To create an assignment click Assignments, then Create Assignment.
After entering the create assignments page, you will be required to enter information pertaining to the assignment you wish to create. You are required to enter a Title, Category, View Date , Due Date, Marking Period, Max Point value and Weight.
Need to describe what the assignment entails? No worries! You can add a description of your assignment within the Assignment Description section.
After adding all the details to your assignment, facilitate which of your student groups and courses should receive this newly created assignment by selecting them via their corresponding checkboxes.
Once everything is completed, you can finalize the creation of your assignment by clicking on the Create Assignment button.
Please note, any issues pertaining to the creation of the assignment will be indicated right above the Create Assignment button. The button will also be grayed out until the issue is resolved as indicated in the picture below.