This article will instruct you on how to create assignments that require grade submissions.
Where to Start
Go to Assignment then click Create Assignment.
Once at the create an assignment page, go to the Attach Files section, and select Add Files.
Clicking on the Add Files button, the Files window will appear. Select one of the 3 options to attach your file to link your assignment and select Upload File to confirm.
After the file is uploaded, the options Supplemental and Required will appear in the assignment window. Select the option Required.
Once completed, the students will receive the assignment in PupilPath. Once they complete the assignment, you can view their responses by going to Grade followed by Submissions.
The left side of the Submissions page will allow you to view the student, select the assignment you wish to grade by clicking on the dropdown box where the assignment is located, and the response for the assignment that the student provided by clicking on the assignment file. You could even utilize the lock icon adjacent to the assignment file to disable any further submissions for this assignment by the student.
The right side of the Submissions page allows you to change the student you're viewing by clicking on the left or right arrows to view the previous or next student on the roster or utilize the dropdown feature for a more refined search. You can also find your grade submission for the assignment here.