(Blue Bubble)In This Article you will learn how to submit grades into Standards Based PADS.
Where to Start
To access the PADS Portal click Portal, then PADS.
Click the Click here to enter Standards based RPCD grades link.
Select the marking period and then choose the sort method. I recommend sorting "By Class".
Enter in the Marking Period password and the click Continue.
You will see a summary of missing grades.
You have the option of once again selecting the marking period that you would like to submit grades for. You also now have the option to choose the method that will be used to for grading averages.
Under Class Index you will see a list of all course assigned to you for the marking period that you selected. Click one of the courses to begin submitting grades.
Your students will now be listed under the course code that you clicked. Click on one of the students to open up grading options.
The student you click will now expand to reveal all standards attached to the that course.
If you click the calculator icon PADS will compute the Gradebook average. If you click the Bar Graph icon it will compute the Standards Based Grade Average.
Clicking the bar graph icon next to each standard will pull from gradebook average not be confused with the Standards based gradebook. You can also just type in a grade manually.
The notepad icon will reveal all grading options available to you.
Once you have entered in all grades you are now done. The system saves dynamically so yo do not have to worry about saving you work when done.