In this lesson you will learn how to send Course messages via Messenger
Where to Start
Teachers can communicate with the guardians of their students in a number of ways. The Messenger bubble now appears in the Student Profile page. Click the bubble to open the message area and send messages to all guardians of the student.
After the message has been composed, click Submit to send a text message to the parent.
Messenger allows teachers to message parents and guardians in bulk based on grade or attendance criteria.
Clicking on any of these pages opens the bulk messaging menu to send information based on Attendance (period), Grades (gradebook), Averages (gradebook) and Report card (from the NYC PADS portal) information.
There are four criteria for sending attendance messages:
Attendance Type - Choose from Absent, Present, late and Excused
Count - The number of this attendance type the student must have for the parent to receive the message
Start - The start date for counting the attendance type
End - The end date for counting the attendance type
Choose the courses to include in the message.
There are two criteria for sending Grade attendance messages:
Assignment - Choose from Absent, Present, Late and Excused
Grade Type - Choose All Grades, Missing Grades, Failing Grades, Borderline Grades, Passing Grades or Honors Grades. See Settings > Grade Outputs to set these grade types
Choose the courses to include in this message
There are three criteria for sending Averages attendance messages:
Assignment - Choose from Absent, Present, Late and Excused
Average Type - Choose the student's Overall Average or any Category Average
Average Range - Choose All Grades, Missing Grades, Failing Grades, Borderline Grades, Passing Grades or Honors Grades. See Settings > Grade Outputs to set these grade types.
Choose the courses to include in this message.
There are two criteria for sending Report Cards attendance messages:
Marking Period - Choose from all the available marking periods.
Grade Range - Choose All Grades, Passing Grades or Failing Grades
Choose the courses to include in this message.
After the criteria has been selected, you can press "Send Now" to send the message or "Preview" to inspect the parameters before sending. If you choose to preview, you will see the following screen and be given an opportunity to select/deselect recipients and/or edit the message itself:
After you have made any necessary edits and clicked "Preview", you will see the next screen.
Clicking Send will send the bulk message to parents/guardians.