This new feature will make it easier for users to access the grades of students from dropped classes. When a student transfers into your class from another teacher’s class, you will no longer have to ask the prior teacher or an administrator for the grade data. Students who move classes with the same teacher should continue to use our transfer feature.
Where to Start
Click Grade, then Gradebook to navigate to the Gradebook of the class the student is currently scheduled in.
Click a student's name to open the grade breakdown.
On the left side click the drop down to select a course. Both old and new courses will be displayed in the list.
On the right select a report to download the grades. There are three different report options.
3.02 Gradebook Category Averages By Marking Period
This file will provide you with the categories, weights and their respective averages from the prior class.
3.03 Gradebook Overall Averages By Marking Period
This file will provide you with the overall class average from the prior class.
3.04 Assignment Grades By Marking Period
This file will provide you with every assignment grade and the assignment details (name, max points, etc.) from the prior class.